ACEI Global Guidelines Assessment

ACEI is committed to providing resources that enhance childhood education programs throughout the world. The ACEI Global Guidelines Assessment (GGA) Third Edition (ACEI, 2011) is an evidence-based instrument designed to help early childhood professionals systematically examine and improve the quality of their program services, particularly in low- and middle-income countries.[i] The GGA has been developed as a global tool and therefore can be used in early childhood programs around the world.
The GGA is based on a document called the Global Guidelines for Early Childhood Education and Care (Global Guidelines), which was developed in 1999 by educators from more than 27 countries at a forum sponsored by ACEI and OMEP, a world organization for early care and education. In 2003, ACEI separately developed and released the first edition of the GGA. The GGA was specifically designed to involve local stakeholders in the process for evaluating and improving early childhood care and education (ECCE) program quality.[ii] ACEI encourages ECCE stakeholders to use the GGA either to design new early childhood programs or to improve existing programs.